Cruise Job Fairs - Why they are worth the journey
If you are serious about working on a cruise ship, then travelling should be second nature, and making the journey to a cruise job fair should be no problem. However we can understand your hesitation.
All job fairs come with an element of risk – will employers like you? Will you make the right impression? Will your CV/resume turn into a shortlisting for interview? There is always the chance that you'll walk away no closer to your dream job.
However, what if we were to tell you that cruise job fairs are worth every penny of your travel costs? That despite being located in London, Berlin and Liverpool, these fairs are your best opportunity to getting the job you want?

Advantages of Cruise Job Fairs
- Save time – what if you could cut your application time, and save yourself from hours of filling out forms and waiting to hear back? The biggest advantage to attending a cruise job fair is its ability to place you directly in front of your preferred employers. Not only can you approach CV in hand and speak directly to your favoured cruise lines; these one-on-one meetings give you the immediate advantage of being able to showcase your passion, personality and qualifications within a matter of minutes.
- Cut the application process - cruise lines and recruiters are at these events for a reason – they are looking to fill roles, so it is important to remember that with every encounter, they are internally cataloguing your potential and are shortlisting candidates.
Unlike normal application procedures where your CV is sent to generic email addresses with the hopes of being passed on to the right individuals; cruise job fairs remove this step and ensures your CV lands in the hands of exactly who you want it to.
In turn, speaking face-to-face affords you the chance to showcase your personality so they can see if you are the right fit for the job. All too often, CV's don't fully reflect who you are as a person, and this can cost you interviews. By speaking to cruise lines and recruiters face-to-face you can bypass this and ensure you are memorable. - Increase your employability – as previously mentioned in point 2, cruise lines are looking to fill roles. They WANT you to speak to them. They WANT to engage. So it is no surprise that many of them use these events to shortlist candidates and arrange interviews. In some instances, they will ask you for an interview then and there, so by visiting a cruise job fair you could potentially walk away with an interview or even a job!
- Training centres – whilst the need to travel may be in your blood, this won't be enough to land you your dream job. It is pivotal that you have the right qualifications for the roles you are applying for. Luckily job fairs allow you to multitask and meet cruise lines, whilst seeking advice about your qualifications. Training centres are in regular attendance at these events and are all too happy to supply advice and guidance on how to improve your qualifications, experience, CV and interview techniques.
- Prove you're serious – working on a cruise ship takes commitment, dedication and a lot of your time. There may be months where you don't see your family and friends at all. That is why proving the strength of your interest is invaluable. Anyone can send an online application, but it takes a lot to hop on a boat, plane or train based purely on the hopes of speaking to potential employers. Such a move shows that you are serious about the role, and in turn will make them take you more seriously, increasing your hiring success.
Costing – Give a little and get a lot in return
Travelling and attending job fairs naturally comes at a cost. It is unavoidable. Yet the rewards far outweigh the disadvantages of paying out for tickets.
As we've previously mentioned, cruise job fairs can not only save you time on applications but can help you to cut out the middle man (the 'Gate Keeper' who decides if your CV is good enough) and ensure your CV lands in the right hands. At just one event, you can meet numerous reputable cruise lines; showcase your skills, talent and personality, and can also arrange consultations on how to spruce up your CV and make it more attractive.
Essentially, in one day you can bypass weeks of applications and earn yourself an interview on the spot.
So don't let costs deter you from getting your dream job. Take the step to attend and employers will know how serious and committed you are towards a career on a cruise ship.
Visit for more information about upcoming Cruise Job Fairs.