Transfer into the Maritime Industry
There are a number of exciting career opportunities within the Maritime Industry. Working at sea can offer the chance to travel worldwide, work with multinational crews, offer strong career progression as well as great benefits including an attractive work/leave pattern, competitive salaries, spouse on board policies and medical insurance. The Maritime Industry is always looking for those wishing to pursue a career at sea, especially those with comparable Engineering and Technical Experience, even when the candidate hasn't previous been to sea.

Candidates wishing to transfer into the Maritime industry that have completed previous academic qualifications in relevant fields engineering such as; Engineering Apprenticeships or a BSc, HND or HNC in Engineering can contact the Maritime Authority in their Country of residence (e.g. MCA in the UK) to obtain a conversion qualification in the Maritime sector. Through this, the candidate would then be given a relevant qualification or a training and examination programme to complete that will assist them to obtain a relevant qualification. This could result in them obtaining a relevant Maritime License such as the Engineering Officer of the Watch, or other training qualifications such as Engine Room Watch Rating.
This is also the case with those who have obtained relevant experience in the maritime industry without gaining approved qualifications. This may be the case for someone that has served in the Royal Navy or the Navy from their Country of domicile. Through this route, they may just be required to complete relevant STCW training plus a shorter sea service or complete relevant units of the HNC in Marine Operations to gain approved qualifications such as Officer of the Watch qualification. Courses such as this can be completed whilst the candidate is still in employment allowing them to complete a blended learning course through online access which can enable them to gain relevant sea time. This could also be the case for someone who has served as a deckhand or rating that wishes to convert their qualification to a Merchant Navy qualification, rather than having to start a full 3 year cadetship, it is possible for them to complete a specialised shortened route to obtain their qualification.
Candidates from a shore based security background, such as the Military or the Police can also transfer into the Maritime Industry and obtain a Security based role on board. To do this, they would be required to complete the 5 part STCW Basic Safety Training plus the Designated Security Duties one day STCW course. Once they have completed this, they could then join a ship in the role of Security Guard or Assistant Security Officer. Through this they can gain one year's sea time, which would then make them eligible to complete the ISPS STCW Ship Security Officer course which would then allow them to progress to the rank of Security Officer/Chief Security Officer.
Any candidates that wish to transfer into the Maritime Industry and feel that they have relevant Marine or Technical experience should contact the MCA (in the UK) or equivalent Maritime bodies in their Country of domicile to confirm the best route to convert their qualification.