Tips from a Recruiter
When applying for any job remember the old true saying "first impressions count". This cannot be more important than when applying for a new job.
Always remember that cruise ships are like floating cities. All cities need to be policed and the working community need to get along in harmony.
You should always remember that recruiters are looking for mature and responsible team playing individuals for this reason.
Below are some pointers that will dramatically increase your chances of a Dream Job.

Your Email Address
The first thing a recruiter see's when you email your CV is your email address.We get lots of applications from candidates whose email addresses for example are or sexypartygirl@emailaddress123.
Your CV will go straight in the recycle bin. These emails suggest that you are not a mature individual and will not fit into the mature and responsible category.
Job Title
We get a lot of emails from applicants asking us what job they have applied for!
This suggests to us that you are sending out CV's for multiple jobs and are just trying your luck. We look for the most committed individuals and if we feel you are just trying your luck then your application will go to the back of the queue.
Always keep a record of your correspondence and include the job title in your subject box. There is nothing wrong with applying for multple positions but make sure you are aware of each position applied for and that you have the relevant skills.
Relevant Skills
This may seem like common sense but we receive lots of CV's from applicants who have little or no experience for the position applied for. Do not waste your or your recruiters time by applying for a job you may have only had a couple of months of working experience.
Cover Letter
Always provide a brief cover letter selling yourself and explaining why you are suitable to work for the client and what you can offer them. This will make your application stand out from others.
A photo will make your application stand out but don't jazz up your CV with bright colours or pictures. Keep it understated and professional.
Always check your spelling. Bad spelling and grammar can affect your application.
Cruise ship employees come from a large variety of countries and backgrounds. As recruiters we are aware that someone from a non English background may be able to speak perfect English but not have good grammar.
Don't be afraid to state in your email that your grammar is not very good. If you have suitable skills and the right personality it will not go against you.
Don't ask stupid questions
Although there is nothing wrong with asking questions, make sure that they are appropriate.
We get lots of people who have been shortlisted and then halfway through the interview process ask us if they can have 2 weeks off for a family holiday or if our client will delay the starting date so that they can attend a wedding! This conveys the impression that you are not committed.
Contracts are generally 6 month contracts and you won't be able to leave the ship. The client doesn't see it as you doing them a favour by working for them and won't wait for you.
Don't be frightened to ask how your application is going. Some candidates apologise for asking this but if anything it shows us that you are a committed individual.
Don't be too eager
Always wait a few days before asking for feedback. Recruiters deal with lots of applications and will contact you if they feel you are suitable. If you bombard them with phone calls or emails it could have a negative effect.
The Psychometric Test
A psychometric test is a test that is designed to see if someone has the right sort of personality to work within the cruise ship community.
They are very big in the United States and are being used on a frequent basis by clients.
Always read the questions carefully as the questions are designed to catch you out. Some of the questions are deliberately contradictive. This can be the hardest part of the application process.
Telephone Interview
Once you have had a telephone interview arranged make sure you have done your preparation. Research the company properly. Look at their website and the Questions and Answers page and jot down the main points. Speak confidently and sell yourself. Remember we are looking for commitment.
Face to Face Interview
Always be of smart appearance and don't be afraid to bring in a list of questions. Look your interviewer directly in the eye and offer a firm handshake.
Be polite and courteous. The way you speak to the employer will indicate how you will treat your passengers.
Good luck!